Request and access your own energy data from your smart energy meter for free in just a few clicks
We instantly analyse and calculate your best energy options based on your actual energy consumption patterns
Instantly view and choose your preferred options for saving money and reducing your carbon footprint in your home
Receive your recommendations based on what you want for your future and which companies are trustworthy
Use a lot of energy in the evenings? In a few clicks SolvingZero will calculate the best options for your home based on your actual energy consumption patterns. We make the complex energy calculations simple, so you can save hunderds of dollars, possibly thousands more on your energy!
The average Australian home emits enough CO2 to equal an extra 1.5 cars on the road each year. With our help you can reduce your emissions and save money, you don't have to sacrifice being green for being affordable. We'll caclcuate your best options for you.
We use over a dozen different sources and tools to calculate the carbon emissions of your home. Want to know how it works?
Learn more...All of our calculations are based on your actual energy meter data to find you the best savings possible
Learn more...Expert Advice
SolvingZero helps Australians access their energy data so they can save money on their energy bills and lower their emissions. The personalised recommendations we provide are created by using your data with our purpose built energy analysis tools.
SolvingZero is 100% independent, no shady business. We don't sell your details, make annoying sales calls, or give biased recommendations. Our goal is to provide the best possible options based on your actual energy connsumption patterns, helping you make the right choice for your home.
How we make money
All of the analysis we provide is free, helping you optimise your energy is the priority. We do accept compensation from some of the recommended products but this in no way affects who we recommend, all of our recommendations are based on what is best for you and your lifestyle.